Boating Blues With the crowds, the launches, and the world’s media watching, the Oxford and Cambridge boat race seems a fairly riotous occasion.
Oh what a - Victorian Light - Night! On Friday 16th November Woodstock Road was a hive of activity for "Victorian Light Night", part of both the national Being Human Festival and Oxford’s own Christmas Light Festival. 16 Nov 2018
Sneak Preview of Victorian Speed! On the evening of Thursday 18th October, the Museum of the History of Science will be throwing open its doors for a special event – Victorian Speed: The Long History of Fast Living. 11 Oct 2018
Stressed out? So were the Victorians. We didn’t invent the ‘diseases of modern life’; people in Victorian England worried about anxiety and overwork, too. 19 Jul 2017
The Stresses and Strains of Modern Life Professor Sally Shuttleworth's blog for the British Academy on The Stresses and Strains of Modern Life is now available to read here. 24 Jan 2017
14 Nov UK Disability History Month Event: Work, Time and Stress: Historical and Contemporary Perpsectives The two talks will raise lots of ideas for discussion, including the impact of modern technologies in each period on the nature of work. Radcliffe Humanities
18 Oct Victorian Speed: The Long History of Fast Living Stressed out by modern life? So were the Victorians! Enter the world of Victorian England in this museum ‘late’ for a fun evening of games, interactive exhibits, and short talks as you explore with researchers from Diseases of Modern Life. Museum of the History of Science