- Bonea, Amelia. The News of Empire: Telegraphy, Journalism, and the Politics of Reporting in Colonial India c. 1830-1900. Oxford University Press India, 2016.
- Dickson, Melissa. Under Its Spell: The Arabian Nights and Early Nineteenth-Century Britain, Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
- Johnston, Jean-Michel. Networks of Modernity: Germany in the Age of the Telegraph, 1830-1880. Oxford University Press, 2021. [open access]
- Krienke, Hosanna. Convalescent Time: The Afterlife of Illness in the Nineteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
- Shuttleworth, Sally, Amelia Bonea, Melissa Dickson, Jennifer Wallis. Anxious Times: Medicine and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Pittsburgh University Press, 2019.
Taylor-Brown, Emilie. Empire Under the Microscope: Parasitology and the British Literary Imagination, 1885-1935. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
Forthcoming Monographs
- Green, Sarah. Borrowed Fire: Sexual Continence and Aesthetic Experience in Late Victorian Literary Decadence [Cambridge University Press].
Edited Collections and Special Issues
- Arnold-Foster, Agnes and Alison Moulds, eds, Feelings and Work in Modern History: Emotional Labour and Emotions about Labour. Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2022.
- Dickson, Melissa, Emilie Taylor-Brown, and Sally Shuttleworth, eds, Progress and Pathology: Medicine and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Manchester University Press, 2020. [open access]
- Shuttleworth, Sally, ed. 'Victorian Brain', Victorian Network 7.1, 2016. [open access]
- Shuttleworth, Sally, Russell Foster, and Cathy Charlwood, eds., 'Sleep and Stress, Past and Present', Interface Focus 10.3, 2020. [open access]
- Taylor-Brown, Emilie, Melissa Dickson, and Sally Shuttleworth, 'Structures of Confinement: Power and Problems of Male Identity', 'New Agenda', Journal of Victorian Culture 24.2, 2019. [open access]
- Wallis, Jennifer and Sally Frampton, eds. 'Medical and Health Periodicals in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century', Media History 25.1, 2018.
Contributions in an Edited Collection
- Bonea, Amelia. 'Imperial Posts and Telegraphs', in The Encyclopedia of Empire, eds. John M MacKenzie, Nigel Dalziel, Nicholas Doumanis, and Michael W Charney. Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
- Bonea, Amelia. 'An Imperial Ideology of News: News Values and Reporting about Japan in Colonial India'. In Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, vol. 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800-1900, ed. by David Finkelstein. Edinburgh University Press. (forthcoming 2020)
- Bonea, Amelia. 'Microphotography as Transnational Scientific Method: Ruchi Ram Shani and Suekichi Kinosita's Radioactivigty Research in Germany and Britain', Contextual-Alternate 2 (2020).
- Dickson, Melissa. 'Charles Wheatstone’s Enchanted Lyre and the Spectacle of Sound', in Sound Knowledge: Music and Science in London, 1789-1851, eds. James Q Davis and Ellen Lockhart. Chicago University Press, 2017.
- Dickson, Melissa. ‘Hats, Cloaks, and Stethoscopes: The Symbolic Fashions of the Nineteenth-Century Medical Practitioner’, in Fashion and Material Culture in Victorian Fiction and Periodical, eds. Janine Hatter and Nickianne Moody. Edward Everett Root, 2018.
- Moulds, Alison. '"Behind the Scenes of a Retail Shop”: Sensory Experiences of Living-In, c. 1880s–1920s', in Shopping and the Senses, 1800-1970, ed. Serena Dyer. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- Shuttleworth, Sally. 'Fear, Phobia and the Victorian Psyche', in Fear in the Medical and Literary Imagination, Medieval to Modern: Dreadful Passions, eds. Daniel McKann and Claire McKechnie-Mason. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- Shuttleworth, Sally. ‘Hanging, Crushing and Shooting: Animals, Violence and Child Rearing in Bronte Fiction’, in The Brontes and the Idea of the Human: Science, Ethics and the Victorian Imagination, ed. Alexandra Lewis. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- Shuttleworth, Sally, and Melissa Dickson, ‘Disorders of the Age: Nervous Climates’, Literature and Medicine in the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Andrew Mangham.
- Taylor-Brown, Emilie. 'Being Hangry: Gastrointestinal Health and Emotional Wellbeing in the Long Nineteenth Century' , in Gut Feeling and Digestive Health in Nineteenth Century Literature, eds. Manon Mathias and Alison M. Moore. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- Taylor-Brown, Emilie. 'Parasitology', in Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, ed. Kevin A Morrison. McFarland, 2018.
- Taylor-Brown, Emilie. 'Petty Larceny and Manufactured Science: Nineteenth-Century Parasitology and the Politics of Replication', in Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century, eds. Julie Codell and Linda Hughes. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
- Wallis, Jennifer. 'The Compressed Air Bath and the Place of Medical Technology in the Nineteenth Century Health Resort', in Histories of Technology, the Environment, and Modern Britain, eds. Jon Agar and Jacob Ward. University College London Press, 2018. [open access]
- Abdalla, Daniel I. '"Heredity, Heredity!": Recovering Henry James's The Reprobate in its Scientific and Theatrical Contexts', Modern Drama 64.1, Spring 2021.
- Charlwood, Catherine. '"Such a pair": The Twin Lives of Humans and Trees or Poetry's Sustained Interest in Trees', ASLE-UKI, 2019.
- Charlwood, Catherine [with Andrew Hewitt] ‘Reaching Out to Teachers and Students with Research-Based Resources’, The Hardy Society Journal 15.2, Summer 2019.
- Charlwood, Catherine. 'Recognising "Something": Frost and Recognition Memory', The Robert Frost Review, October 2019.
- Charlwood, Catherine. ‘“Habitually embodied” Memories: The Materiality and Physicality of Music in Hardy’s Poetry’, Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 2020.
- Charlwood, Catherine. ‘Review of Rachel Ablow, Victorian Pain’. The Hardy Society Journal 15.2, Summer 2019.
- Dickson, Melissa. 'Something in the Air: Dr Carter Moffat's Ammoniaphone and the Victorian Science of Singing', Science Museum Group Journal 7.7, 2017. [open access]
- Dickson, Melissa. 'Confessions of an English Tea Drinker: Sheridan le Fanu and the Medical and Metaphysical Dangers of Green Tea', Victorian Literature and Culture 45.1, 2017. [open access]
- Dickson, Melissa. 'Thou Simple Tube', History Today 67.5, 2017.
- Dickson, Melissa. 'Dickens's Nightmare: Dreams, Memory and Trauma', Interface Focus 10.3, 2020, special issue, 'Sleep and stress, past and present.' [open access]
- Green, Sarah. 'Impotence and the Male Artist: The Case of George Moore’, Journal of Victorian Culture 24.2, 2019. [open access]
- Green, Sarah. 'Light on the Dark Angel: Lionel Johnson and the Literary Life of the 1890s', Times Literary Supplement (2 Aug 2019). [open access]
- Harrison, Mark. 'Health Sovereignty, and Imperialism', Social Science Diliman 14.2, 2018.
- Harrison, Mark. 'A Dreadful Scourge: Cholera in Early Nineteenth-Century India', Modern Asian Studies 53.6, 2019.
- Johnston, Jean-Michel. ‘The Telegraphic Revolution: Speed, Space and Time in the Nineteenth Century’, German History, 38.1, 2020.
Krienke, Hosanna. '"The Wholesome Application’ of Novels: Gender and Rehabilitative Reading in The Moonstone”', Victorian Review 46.1, Spring 2020.
- Shuttleworth, Sally. 'Childhood, Severed Heads, and the Uncanny: Freudian Precursors', Victorian Studies 58.1, 2015.
- Shuttleworth, Sally. 'Mind and Body in Charlotte Brontë's Fiction', Victorian Review 42.2. 2016.
- Shuttleworth, Sally. ‘Diseases of City Life and One of Our Conquerors’, Yearbook of English Studies 49, 2019, ed. Rosemary Mitchell.
- Shuttleworth, Sally. 'Painful Subjects', Novel 53.2, 2020, pp. 275-79.
- Shuttleworth Sally and Russell G Foster. 'Introduction', Interface Focus 10.3, 2020. [open access]
- Shuttleworth, Sally. 'Fagged Out: Overwork and Sleeplessness in Victorian Professional Life' Interface Focus 10.3, 2020, special issue, 'Sleep and stress.' [open access]
- Wallis, Jennifer. 'A Home or a Gaol? Scandal, Secrecy, and the St James’s Inebriate Home for Women', Social History of Medicine 31.4, 2018. [open access]